Thursday, October 25, 2012

Granary of the Nile

Granary of the Nile

By Atok Dan


Along the swamp of sudd, a land echoes with abundant life,

and sea breezes with a gentle wind

noises of reeds rattle in the unstoppable wind,

creating havoc on the shores,

cranks of reptiles in the Nile

another fear of pending night attacks


On raising eyebrows

one sees poles of fishing nets dotted waters of Nile tributaries

a granary of life pregnant with hope

a taste of fresh tilapia of the Nile is a live dinner

and never have fishes ever complained of an unjust massacre

fish rights are yet to see light in our lands

they are mercilessly killed


The abundance of priceless waters of the Nile is another source of the show

a rich piece of land with its open stomach facing our skies

to invite seasonal rains that water our crops

a blessing for our nomadic communities

Misseriya and Dinka all come for grazing

wild beasts of the land brag about in their bushes

a non-penetrable zone to mad poachers

the granary of the Nile is a strength and our gift


On cold nights, papyrus mate is a blanket for herders

sailors dock about with happiness

hoping fresh tilapia will nourish them

with natural fridges full of fresh waters

and gird up ready for the next voyage

with cock crows

fishermen with blushed eyes hurry

in the rescue of their breaking nets loaded with catches of the Nile

a market booms with cheaper prices

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