Friday, January 25, 2013

Crush on a village girl

By Atok Dan

With ivory in her mouth
spaced by a gap that glitters like fresh asphalt on the unused highway
her elegant giraffe like-neck that was hardly undifferentiated,
her from flamingos tapping fishes along the Nile,
and a body molded with shiny clay from the river,
her spongy hip remains an imaginative mattress
I feel no more to narrating her beauty,
never has she ever gone for a world beauty contest,
she suffers a great silence,
envied by many for a beauty that never earns her a coin

A crush on her earned me unstoppable hallucinations,
 hardly can these days and nightmares give me a break,
neither do I break a break from picturing none existing images,
of a village mirror,
a crush on a village that gives birth to the world's most perfected body,
like what I saw in a village that remains indelible in my mental recorder
 when I glance, I still wonder of,
ingredients nature had assembled into her,
I found her nowhere but in the village that nursed her
into a jeweler on the world stock exchange
her beauty never fluctuates like the rate of the American dollar,
determinable only by the raise and fall of oil

A fixed glance on her waist loosen tears from trachoma-free eyes,
and a swagger of an arm voluntarily rests an eye into its orbit,
she is from that village that nursed her
a crush or hatred, but dotted love

All I could remember is I admired her
whether fed on fertilizer or an organic,
she still smiles milk in her mouth,
she hails from a cattle camp,
product of a white liquid,
of a cow milk

My crush on the stream of a village skeleton,
sets an inextinguishable fire of love,
if I try to bow off seeing her image,
she still towers in the valley,
when I raise my eyes to measure differential depth,
already had she glows the camp with radiation of beauty
with shiny black African melanin

When I again back off completely from her image,
I’m tired of admiration
yet she still in her hide dress,  
is no more but an addition to what had slipped off my eyes,
I met her first in the great valley of Atuet-nyiel,
three miles down to Da’Chuek village of Piom-ahol,
barefooted not far away from Panyagor

She again whirlwinds down in the cattle camp of Murle
that is never further from Kong-kong river in Pibor,
and again raising my eyes,
I saw her adorned in house ornaments,
down in the flat basin of Pakudhuom heading to Akot of Unity state,
she is already a resident of my birth village

 Had nature bungled ideas,
only will you realize seeing her dressed in skin hide,
yet magnificently admirable in the eyes of seers,
she only travels in the mountains,
my crush on a village beauty explores no idea,
and my brain remains in jail of love
I had a crush on a village girl

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Roar my bull

By Atok Dan

Roar my bull,
Roar Maker-thiangdit
 Roar again in the pasture with lions
The pitch of your voice solaces the bereaved
The source of the sleepless nights for villagers,
Cry the arsenal that liberates us of fear
Bellow for the needy kids to rejoice,
The drum of harvest
Thunder in autumn rains
Roar Maker-thiangdit
Roar again, roar my bull

Roar betrayer of night witches
In the dead of a lonely night
Whenever I hear your voice,
It’s time to wobble about with your peg but verve
Truly can you be called a piano that fascinates passersby?

Roar my pride, roar bull,
Your voice frightens owl of the night
The evils that the village fear
When I yank you for water,
I gird for danger with my spear
My lung boils in heat of the sun
For none has ever existed
The roaring of a thunderstorm,
In autumn rains
Roar again, roar Maker-agany
The exhilarator of village girls,
The entertainer of deaf

Roar my bull, roar Maker-agany
The monitor lizard,
Your voice deprives birds in the nests
You wake them in the middle of dead nights
The watch keeper of our village
The pride that my generation envies,
Roar with elephants Maker-thiangdit
Roar king of crawling reptiles
On the river bank,
Roar tower of pride

Roar king of crawling reptiles
Comparing the natural patch on your back,
It is the strip of earthly Milky Way
A back dotted with poor artistic design,
It is you Maker-thiangdit,
It is you my bull
In pursuit of lucrative pasture,
We invade foreign toch with our spears,
To let you graze in abundance
Roar my bull

Saturday, January 12, 2013

X-raying the skeleton

By Atok Dan

With no microscopic lens,
Am able to x-ray it
To take a correct view of the inside,
Its skeleton and frame,
I know it now it is all selfish
Yet I’m stationed at the periphery
I’m never an insider

At the peripheral,
Am able to study it well,
Am able to see them flock like birds
Like scavengers and vultures,
Hoarding in their multitudes
Clambering over a drop
Licking even the traces destined for flies

X-raying the inside of a skeleton at the periphery
I saw the gut, the colon to the rectum of supremacy
Its red tape whirlwinds around serving the gut and colon
A fateful end for the individuals involved,
To a privileged few that had survived the episode

X-raying the bonds of clout
Its wind is gusty   
Combatants swirl shoulders,
Jostling over for favor and rewards
My naked eyes could too examine the depth of interest,
Contending for space
Rivaling for none other than food meant for rural poor
Gratifying themselves for gains,
 Earned by orphans, widows, and the poor of a society
X-raying the skeleton at the periphery

Monday, January 7, 2013

Quest for hidden truth

By Atok Dan

A quest for a hidden truth
Dead or alive,
 It is conspicuous
Alive in the minds and hearts of disciples
In the bloodstream of its martyrs
Its saints and holy souls adore it

Power could severely trash it dead,
But isn’t enough,
Its tongue and flame still glow brighter,
Under the helm of power abuse
Even under the carpet of an evil system
Choruses of its impact set them bare-chested,
Naked and desperate for its discovery
Relays fears to power

Its followers suffer from jinx and abuses
Gays and lesbians,
Straights and bisexuals,
 None is a friend
All suffer under a quest for a hidden truth

It is a twin to Jupiter and justices,
It only resides on paper
We only found truth written on paper
Nor democrats,
Or even socialists never love seeing it done
Let’s never talk of capitalism,
It’s all about greed that murders the truth

Dead or alive,
All in all,
The truth still survives traumas posed by power