Thursday, November 13, 2014

My deeds fell to the apathy of greed

By Atok Dan

They made me believe,
that I had done enough to deserve pride,
yet my hands were still drizzled with blood
of the needy

When I couldn’t afford to retract,
on realizing my own mess,
but then time could not agree with me
in the fall of the night,
the weight of injustice dawned on me
the mess was done to the brim
 of no doubt

For I ought to do a lot more to reverse that mess,
while they all eye me in disguise,
not ready to tell me how I had messed it

A watchful society staring at me midst my stupidity
 couldn’t I only regret in the flock of,
those who flatter me in my stupidity
good that I did learn on my own mess though no remedy
hadn’t I learned hatred could be that stupid
that I could only be right if I do it right

Be it that all sycophants that surrounded me,
 were only there to rejoice
rejoicing over me when deep down,
 in a pit to death in falsehood
when all that I thought I had done right,
 were overturned to a shame
to even beyond those that I thought,
 were ever sinners in history
yet all my deeds fell to the apathy of greed

Because I had failed to accept the wishes of weak
they all falsely fortified me into what my brain,
 failed to comprehend
and deserted me
when I needed their hands to reverse my failures
a tide of the wrong history had befallen me midst seas of wise
but  the thought of power had never invigorated me with righteous
and they all pin it down into a book as my only mess
a mess enough to undo my ancient wasted wisdom